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Trending themes

Discover the latest trends

Our in-house team of designers collaborates closely with all Design Group studios, exploring fairs and trendy cities, absorbing inspiration from every corner. To stay ahead, we partner with trend agencies, ensuring we’re always up to date with the latest trends. This collaborative effort allows us to translate these trends into customized consumer products that blend style, colour and design.

The Good Life kopie
  • tranquility


    This trend promotes an empty mind for serenity, celebrating introverts’ parties with fluid interactions, and prioritizing digital wellness for a calm and balanced lifestyle.

  • X-mas peaceful light

    Peaceful Light

    Amid the holiday rush, find solace in quiet moments, allowing yourself to rebalance. Discover the beauty of simplicity as twilight hues cast a peaceful glow. This trend invites you to preserve energy, creating a tranquil and mindful atmosphere that truly captures the essence of the season.